
Here you will find out about all possible routes to Cluj, also a map for an easier understanding of the routes.

At the end of this text you will find the links for the trains and buses schedules. 

1. from the Hungarian-Romanian border:

(border name Ártánd/Borș) ORADEA >> CLUJ // 152 km.

16 km from the border to Oradea. There are many trains and buses that go from Oradea to Cluj. If you come by car, please be advised that there are no highway or expressway between these two localities. The road also goes through the mountain, so expect for max. 3 hours on the road.

(border name Nagylak/Nădlac) ARAD >> CLUJ // 270 km via ORADEA or 340 km via ALBA IULIA (highway, fastest option)

45 km from the border to Arad. From Arad there are 3 trains/day, and it takes 5-6 hours to get to Cluj. Also only 3 buses/day, and it takes 4-5 hours. If you come by car, except for 15 kilometers, there is direct highway from the border to Cluj.

2. from the Serbian-Romanian border:

Two often used borders:

a. Srpska Crnja/Jimbolia >> Timișoara // 45 km // 6 trains/day (45 minutes), 2 buses/day (1 hour)

b. Vrșeț/Moravița >> Timișoara // 60 km // 4 trains/day (1h15m), 4 buses/day (1 hour)

TIMIȘOARA >> CLUJ / 320 km

Usually 3 trains/day, and it takes 6-8 hours to get to Cluj. Also 5 buses/day, and it takes 6-7 hours. If you come by car, except for 15 kilometers, there is direct highway from Timișoara to Cluj (and this is a fast option).

3. from the Bulgarian-Romanian border:

(border name: Vidin/Calafat) DROBETA TURNU SEVERIN >> CLUJ // 370 km

98 km from the border to Drobeta Turnu Severin. There are no direct trains or buses from Drobeta Turnu Severin to Cluj, but if you are coming by car from Vidin/Calafat border, this would be the fastest route.

(border name: Vidin/Calafat) CRAIOVA >> CLUJ // 395 km

87 km from the border to Craiova. From Craiova, there is only one direct train (9 hours trip), otherwise you will have to change at least 2 trains. There are about 7 buses/day, and it takes 9 hours. If you are coming by car, you have two options: Craiova > DEVA > Cluj, and from Deva you jump on the highway, or Craiova > SIBIU > Cluj, and starting from Sibiu you jump on the highway.

(border name Ruse/Giurgiu) BUCUREȘTI >> CLUJ // 455 km

62 km from the border to București. From Giurgiu, there are extremely many buses, and some trains (but only one direct train, otherwise you have to change in VIDELE).

From București to Cluj, there are 5 trains/day, and it takes 9-12 hours. There are also 7 buses/day and it takes about 9 hours. If you are coming by car, it would be advisable to go towards SIBIU, as starting from there, you have highway until Cluj.

The website for the train schedules is: https://infofer.ro/

For the bus schedules, please visit https://www.autogari.ro/

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