Statement of the 3rd Balkan Anarchist Bookfair

On May 31 and June 1st (2008) the third Balkan Anarchist bookfair took place in Sofia. Besides the hosts from the Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria, it was attended by participants from Greece and Serbia. There were also attendants from France, Britain, Canada, Australia and Armenia.
The festival has become a way of expressing anarchist ideas in the Balkans, where people can get acquainted with the anarchist periodicals and books.
The bookfair has been held in different parts of the Balkans. For the first time the event took place in 2003 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 2005 it was held in Zagreb, and it inspired the local organizers to begin to organize an annual Anarchist Book Festival. The Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria (BAF), Sofia, showing a concrete will to continue the common effort, accepted the proposal to be the next stop of the anarchist bookfair. The reasons for this are the great tradition of anarchism in Bulgaria, as well as the impressive number of publications of BAF -over 50 titles in various areas: theory, practice, memories of survivors of Nazi and Bolshevik repression.
During the exhibition there were discussions on anarchist struggles in the Balkans, paying special attention to the struggles of our comrades in Romania and Turkey and the increasingly strong police repression against them. There were film projections about the NoBorder camps organized in Bulgaria and Ukraine. General Balkan initiatives until the end of the year were discussed and it was proposed that the next bookfair will be in Thessaloniki.